One of the first questions that those who buy a wig ask themselves is how to wash it. One wonders if special treatments are needed for its care, to keep it beautiful and shiny for as long as possible.

Washing a wig is actually a very simple operation, but it must be done precisely, observing some small precautions, to avoid damaging the wig.

First of all, washing a real hair wig will require more attention than washing a synthetic wig, but in both cases, it will be necessary to use specific products. Furthermore, a wig cannot be subjected to frequent washing: in winter it will be enough to wash it every 15 days, while in summer you can increase the frequency to every 7-10 days.

Let’s see together some simple steps to follow to wash a natural hair or synthetic fiber wig.

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How to wash a wig in real hair

To wash a natural wig it will be necessary to use specific products, very nourishing, and to follow some steps.

  • Comb the wig gently, starting from the tips and going up to the roots, with a specific brush.
  • Place the wig on ahead, then wet it with warm water, from the roots to the ends.
  • Distribute a specific shampoo until foam is created, but be careful not to make circular movements if the wig has hair with intact cuticles.
  • Rinse thoroughly with a jet of water.
  • Apply the conditioner, from the top to the ends, but avoiding the roots, so as not to loosen the knots.
  • Rinse thoroughly with a jet of water.
  • Wrap the wig in a towel, loosely, and comb it gently.

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How to wash a synthetic fiber wig

Even a synthetic wig will require the use of a specific shampoo to preserve its quality. Here are the steps to follow.

  • Fill a basin with cold water and dilute the specific shampoo.
  • Comb the wig (do not do this if the hair is curly) and immerse it in the basin, leaving it to soak for 10 minutes, without rubbing it.
  • Turn the wig inside out and wash it gently with your hands to remove any cosmetic stains.
  • Rinse the wig preferably in the basin with fresh water, then pat it dry with a towel.
  • Place it on the head to dry it at room temperature, without using a hairdryer.
  • Only comb when completely dry.

Now that we understand how to wash a wig, let’s focus a few seconds on drying, which varies depending on whether it is a natural or a synthetic wig.

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How does a wig dry?

As already mentioned, a synthetic wig cannot be dried with a hairdryer, nor brought close to heat sources that could damage it irreparably. It can be combed only after it has been air-dried and you will see that, if washed as indicated, it will not lose its style.

A natural hair wig, on the other hand, can be dried with a hairdryer and given the desired style. Every 4 or 5 washes, to keep it beautiful and shiny, you can apply a restructuring mask.

These tips are essential for the care of your wig, but remember that to preserve its quality it will be necessary to subject it to a deep cleaning once a month, with polishing, at specialized facilities.

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