Building your own home is the dream for many people. Having a house that you have created that is suited to you is something that many people dream of, and if this is something that you have recently started to plan there are a lot of things to consider when […]
How to pull your soft furnishings together
Adding soft furnishing to any space can help to make it feel much more luxurious and cosy. It is common to have items like cushions on your sofa and curtains at your windows, but have you thought about how you can pull all of your soft furnishings together to create […]
Selling your Home with as Little Stress as Possible
Selling your home is something that you don’t want to have come with more stress than is necessary – most people know that moving house ranks highly in the scale of the most stressful life events, but a way to reduce the stress levels that come with it is to […]
Building an extension or conservatory onto your home
With the economy as difficult as it is now and the price of houses soaring, lots of families are making the choice to extend the home they live in rather than face the high costs of moving. No estate agents, solicitors, moving company costs and none of the stress of […]
Choosing the Right Flooring to for Your Home
We all want our home to look great, but the reality is, very few of us live a life where we can live in a show home. General life, kids and pets all make keeping our home looking perfect difficult! Flooring in particular can really take a hit when it […]
Why You Should Upgrade to a Combi Boiler
If you are considering upgrading your existing boiler, you may be wondering if you should upgrade to a combi boiler. The number of bathrooms and the number of people using them at a time will determine the size and output of your boiler. Generally, a smaller boiler is sufficient for […]
Get Your Home Organised with the Help of Custom Built Lockers
Don’t Cramp Your Style, Choose a Locker That’s Good for You! Lockers are small storage compartments which vary in size, storage capacity and price. They are used to store belongings in various public areas, such as schools, parks, and stadiums. They are also used in banks, offices, and homes. Image […]