Most of us tend to think about sexually transmitted infections as something that only affects younger people. Did you know that STDs are on the increase in every age group in the UK, with a bigger rise in older people? This might surprise you but there are many reasons as […]
Selling your Home with as Little Stress as Possible
Selling your home is something that you don’t want to have come with more stress than is necessary – most people know that moving house ranks highly in the scale of the most stressful life events, but a way to reduce the stress levels that come with it is to […]
Building an extension or conservatory onto your home
With the economy as difficult as it is now and the price of houses soaring, lots of families are making the choice to extend the home they live in rather than face the high costs of moving. No estate agents, solicitors, moving company costs and none of the stress of […]
How MS can affect your body
MS, or Multiple Sclerosis, is a condition that causes a number of symptoms that can include problems with balance, movement, sensation and issues with vision. It is a condition that affects the spinal cord and the brain and can lead to individuals needing support from Disability Aids like the ones […]
Ways to Get Your Home Ready For Winter
If you live in a cold climate, one of the first things you may want to do is prepare your home for the upcoming winter season. This means making sure that it is insulated and cosy. One way to get your home ready for winter is to clean your gutters. […]
Laws you wouldn’t believe are still around in the UK
The UK is home to one of the oldest judicial systems in the world, and there are many law professionals like this Solicitor Gloucester based that train for years to learn all of the laws of the UK. However, because it is such an old system there still remain […]
Developing a strategic business plan
A business plan is an essential document for any business and a good Cheltenham Business Coach such as those from will help you to put one in place so that you can see the position your business is currently in and where you would like it to progress to […]
Things to Check Before a Long Journey
If you’re heading out on a long journey, you’ll need to check a number of things before you set off. Your car’s engine is a key component in safety, and it’s crucial to check fluid levels before you start your journey. Your car’s ideal fluid levels can be accessed in […]
Choosing the Right Flooring to for Your Home
We all want our home to look great, but the reality is, very few of us live a life where we can live in a show home. General life, kids and pets all make keeping our home looking perfect difficult! Flooring in particular can really take a hit when it […]
Making Sure That You and Your Business are Healthy
When you run a business, life can be very stressful. Although there are many benefits to having your own business, there are also many downsides to it, and it can be hard to find a work life balance, especially when you have recently started up your business. The financial climate, […]