Retirement is a time when you finally get to be free and spend time looking after yourself and making yourself happy. Free from the shackles of work, you can now get on with all the fun things in life and enjoy yourself! For some people this can be a tough time – even if it is something that you have been looking forward to for a while, actually waking up and realising that you have nothing to do with your day now that you don’t go to work anymore can be something that is hard to get your head around, and some people find with the loss of the job and routine, they can struggle a bit.

So, if you are looking to have a healthy and happy retirement, planning for it is a good idea – here are some things that you might want to do when you retire…

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Have a Fresh Start – Retirement is a lifestyle change and a great opportunity to have a fresh start and prepare for the next stage of your life. Having a clear out is a good idea, now you have all that time on your hands you can spend time clearing out the things that you don’t need any more and this is also a great way to make some money selling things at a car boot sale or online. If you live in a large house that you no longer need, or a house that you have because it was good commuting distance to work for example, now is the time to find yourself a good retirement home. Whether you want to find somewhere near to family, or go for somewhere like these Gloucestershire Park Homes now is a great time to consider what you want from your home throughout your retirement.

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Learn Something New – With all that extra time on your hands now, it is a great time to learn something new. Perhaps there is something that you always wanted to learn but have never had the time? Maybe you have recently just come up with something that you want to know more about, or maybe you want to learn a useful skill, such as a language for a country that you want to visit now you are retired? Whatever it is now is a great time to learn something new, and it keeps the brain active and engaged.

Get Involved in the Community – With more time on your hands you also might want to meet local people and get involved in something locally that is important to you. It may be a homeless project or a food bank, or maybe a wildlife charity or conservation group for example. There are always groups looking for volunteers to help them, and not only is this a great way to give back and improve your community, but also a good way to meet new people and make new friends who share similar interests with you.

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