With many people choosing a staycation over a foreign holiday these days, let’s look at some of the benefits of travelling abroad on our holidays:


The days of foreign travel are only for the well-to-do are long behind us. There are loads of ways to travel on a budget, whether by plane, train, bus, or coach. With so many places to choose from, like Luxury Villas in Turkey, multiple airlines will try to offer you the best deal on flights. Comparison websites can do all the leg work for you, leaving you to concentrate on packing the sun cream!

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You must head off for foreign shores if you love meeting new people and experiencing different cultures. We can all learn much from people, nationalities, religions, and cultures. The wider your horizon, the more you’ll learn of the world. It’s also fun to make friends so that when you return, you’ve got someone to visit who can show you around like a local!


What better way to practise or learn a new language than visiting the country? Spending time among native speakers is the perfect way to enhance your language skills, which you’ll never remember without using them in real life. Living like a local in your own private villa is even better for immersing yourself in a culture. Find out more about Luxury Villas in Turkey by going to Kas4Villas.

Personal Growth

This sounds pretty deep, yet it’s bound to happen when you experience more of the world. You learn things about other people but also about yourself. The more you see, the more you realise how amazing the world is and how much is available to those who travel. It can make you more focused and less hung up on the trivial niggles of everyday life. You’ll feel more positive and become a more rounded individual.

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There’s nothing like a new environment to set the senses tingling and learning the rules, finding your feet, and discovering hidden gems. You don’t get the same excitement when you holiday in the UK; no matter how lovely it is, it’s all a bit too familiar.

New Activities

With your new-found sense of adventure, you’re more likely to try activities you’ve never engaged in before. Whether it’s surfing, bungee jumping, or trekking – things that seem off-limits at home suddenly take on a new air of possibility in the excitement of being abroad. You’ll feel alive and proud of yourself for ticking some more things off your bucket list.

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