If you’re involved in school marketing, you already know that well-optimized websites for schools can have profound benefits. Here’s what you need to know about SEO and its role in boosting school admissions.

Better Online Rankings

If you invest in quality websites for schools delivered by an expert agency such as https://www.fsedesign.co.uk/websites-for-schools/, you’ll have an excellent framework for your SEO strategy. By adding quality content and the right keywords, you can help to attract more prospective students and build your admissions. One key outcome of a good school SEO strategy is that you’ll appear more favourably on Google for local schools.

In fact, if you optimize your content and site for the key phrases that relate to your school, such as ‘best STEM schools in Trafford’, you’ll have a better chance of appearing on the front page of Google’s results and achieving those all-important clicks.

Local Search Gains

Schools tend to serve a geographic area, so local SEO can also help to drive enquiries from prospective students by ensuring your school appears on local mapping and local search results. You can use Google My Business to ensure your school appears on maps and other targeted local search results. This will also make contact details, holiday dates and opening hours quickly visible, reducing the contact burden on the school admin team.

Better Overall UX

An SEO-optimized website will naturally deliver a strong user experience which helps prospective students to feel positive about your school and its brand. A well-optimized website improves user journeys and creates a positive impression.

In short, SEO is a low-cost strategy that can have powerful benefits for your marketing strategy. When developed as a part of a broader digital marketing strategy it can deliver measurable benefits that result in new school admissions for a highly attractive cost-per-acquisition figure. SEO is a long-term marketing strategy that can be delivered alongside other short-term drivers such as PPC to bring qualified leads to your website quickly. SEO can eventually take over from expensive PPC with a consistent effort and expert application.

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